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Legado de escuelas en línea K-12 en Vermont

- Enseñanza primaria, secundaria y preparatoria en Vermont
- Enseñanza en directo en grupos reducidos de estudiantes
- Diploma certificado por EE.UU. al graduarse
- Plan de estudios acreditado por el Estado
- Profesores titulados
- Especialista en apoyo académico personal
Disfrute de un día de educación GRATIS
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sobre nuestra escuela

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Recognized by prestigious media, we highlight our commitment to educational excellence.
Escuela acreditada K-12 en Vermont
Legacy Online School K-12 en Vermont proporciona un entorno de aprendizaje flexible y accesible con un plan de estudios FLVS acreditado y certificación WASC.
Profesores titulados
Nos aseguramos de que todos nuestros instructores sean profesores titulados que adaptan sus materiales a las necesidades, intereses y capacidades individuales de los alumnos.
Diploma US Certified
Una vez cumplidos los requisitos de graduación estándar, los estudiantes recibirán diplomas certificados estadounidenses.
Diversos programas educativos
Hay 2 tipos de estilos de aprendizaje, incluyendo el grupo y el ritmo propio. La escuela ofrece cursos académicos, АР y extracurriculares.

Nuestros programas

Escuela primaria K-12 en Vermont (K-V)
Enseñanza media K-12 en Vermont (VI-VIII)
Enseñanza secundaria K-12 en Vermont (IX-XII)
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Cursos avanzados
El camino para lograr la excelencia académica excepcional comienza con la toma de decisiones informadas, y los cursos de Colocación Avanzada (AP) representan un excelente punto de partida. En Legacy Online School K-12 en Vermont, ofrecemos una amplia gama de cursos AP cuidadosamente diseñados para ofrecer a su hijo una experiencia académica desafiante, de nivel universitario durante su educación secundaria K-12 en Vermont.

Los cursos de Colocación Avanzada (AP) son cursos especializados de nivel universitario que se ponen a disposición de los estudiantes de secundaria. Estos cursos son desarrollados y administrados por el College Board, la misma organización responsable de supervisar el SAT.
Plan de estudios centrado en STEM
La importancia de la Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas (STEM) en la formación del futuro no puede ser exagerada. En Legacy, hemos desarrollado meticulosamente un sólido plan de estudios orientado a STEM que se alinea perfectamente con las normas de acreditación del estado, asegurando que sus hijos reciban una experiencia de aprendizaje sin igual, preparada para el futuro.

Nuestros cursos STEM están diseñados a propósito para cautivar y desafiar a los estudiantes, haciendo que el proceso de aprendizaje sea estimulante y eficaz. Tanto si se trata de explorar fenómenos científicos como de descifrar los entresijos de la tecnología, nuestro plan de estudios está diseñado para transformar las aulas en dinámicas incubadoras de conocimiento e innovación.
Clubes virtuales y actividades extraescolares
En Legacy Online School K-12 en Vermont, creemos firmemente que una educación completa se extiende más allá de los límites de un plan de estudios tradicional. Es por eso que nos enorgullecemos de ofrecer una amplia gama de Clubes y Organizaciones Virtuales, todos disponibles de forma gratuita para nuestros estudiantes actuales.

Nuestros clubes y organizaciones virtuales proporcionan una plataforma atractiva para que los estudiantes profundicen en nuevos intereses, desarrollen habilidades y enciendan sus pasiones. Si su hijo aspira a ser un científico, un artista, un autor o incluso un futuro líder mundial, nuestras ofertas extracurriculares están diseñadas para fomentar un entorno que nutra y estimule sus talentos y habilidades.
Disfrute de un día de educación GRATIS
Oportunidad de prueba exclusiva - ¡Termina esta semana!
En Legacy Online School, entendemos que elegir el mejor camino educativo para su hijo es una decisión importante. Para ayudarle a experimentar nuestras ofertas de clase mundial de primera mano, estamos muy contentos de ofrecer una oferta única: ¡un día de educación GRATIS!
¡Únete ahora!
Descubra nuestra diferencia sin compromiso: Aprendizaje en grupo o autoaprendizaje, ¡puedes probarlo con nosotros durante todo un Día! ¡Apúntate ya!

Acerca de Legacy Online School K-12 en Vermont

Legacy Online School K-12 en Vermont proporciona un entorno de aprendizaje flexible y accesible con un plan de estudios FLVS acreditado y WASC
Asequibilidad y asistencia inigualable
Ofrecemos diferentes opciones y calendarios de pago con valiosos descuentos
Diversos programas educativos
Existen 3 tipos de estilos de aprendizaje como el grupal y el autodidacta. La escuela ofrece cursos académicos, АР y extracurriculares.
Preparación profesional, Orientación universitaria
En Legacy, damos prioridad a preparar a los estudiantes para el éxito en la universidad y en las carreras relacionadas con STEM Ьу colaborando con el College Board.
Diploma US Certified
Al cumplir los requisitos de graduación estándar, los estudiantes recibirán diplomas certificados por EE.UU.
Profesores titulados
Nos aseguramos de que todos nuestros instructores sean profesores titulados que adaptan sus materiales para satisfacer las necesidades, intereses y capacidades individuales de los alumnos.
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Acreditación escolar en Legacy Online School K-12 en Vermont

Acreditación WASC
Legacy Online School es acreditado por la Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), una distinción que subraya nuestro compromiso con altos niveles de excelencia en la educación.
Acreditación de la NCAA
Nuestra acreditación de la National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) significa nuestro compromiso de preparar a los estudiantes-atletas para el éxito tanto dentro como fuera del campo. La aprobación de la NCAA garantiza que nuestros cursos cumplen con los estrictos estándares de aprendizaje requeridos para que los estudiantes-atletas sean elegibles para participar en actividades deportivas de la universidad pública en las universidades miembros de la NCAA.
Plan de estudios acreditado por el Estado
En Legacy Online School K-12 en Vermont, nuestro plan de estudios está acreditado por el estado, lo que garantiza que cumple y, a menudo supera las normas establecidas por las autoridades educativas. Nuestro plan de estudios acreditado por el estado ofrece una amplia gama de cursos que involucran a los estudiantes, promover el pensamiento crítico, y proporcionar oportunidades para la aplicación del mundo real de los conocimientos. Nuestros estudiantes se benefician de una educación integral que combina asignaturas académicas básicas con varias optativas.

Peter Crawford Valentino: el visionario detrás de Legacy Online School K-12 en Vermont

Abraza el mundo de Peter Crawford Valentino, el visionario que hay detrás de Legacy Online School, e inspírate en un legado que entrelaza arte, pasión y educación.
En el bullicioso corazón de Florida, a partir de un rico linaje de cinco generaciones de educadores e impulsado por su amplia experiencia en la enseñanza, Peter Crawford Valentino tomó una decisión monumental: fundar la K12 Legacy Online School. Faro de la educación, esta institución es testimonio del compromiso de Peter con el conocimiento y de su creencia en el poder transformador del aprendizaje.
Peter es un hombre con muchos talentos: actor, guionista, director, productor, músico y, sobre todo, profesor. Su vasta y variada trayectoria, que abarca desde las vibrantes calles de Los Ángeles hasta el icónico horizonte de Nueva York y las resplandecientes luces de Las Vegas, es una historia de búsqueda creativa, pasión, dedicación y compromiso inquebrantable con las artes.

Desde sus primeros días como cantante y guitarrista, cautivando al público en locales de Los Ángeles, hasta su gira de conciertos para el ejército estadounidense que le llevó por Oriente Medio y Europa, el viaje musical de Peter fue un espectáculo digno de contemplar, lo que le valió un reportaje especial en la MTV. Su amor por las melodías se integra a la perfección en sus películas, creando bandas sonoras encantadoras e inolvidables.

Peter no pudo resistirse al encanto del teatro. Diversos papeles en obras de teatro, comedia de improvisación en directo, televisión y cine no hicieron más que acrecentar su amor por las artes escénicas. Este amor le llevó a Nueva York, donde perfeccionó sus habilidades como actor de improvisación, y más tarde a Las Vegas, donde fundó el Neon Venus Art Theatre, y posteriormente su teatro hermano en el distrito de Hollywood.

Películas y proyectos dignos de mención como "Bobby and Tiffany", "Davidson and Bradley", "Dead Dreamers", "Detective Charles Hanover", "The Falcon", "Ivan's Angels" y "Golden Blood", por nombrar algunos, adornan su cartera. Explora su detallada trayectoria y lista de logros en IMDb, y para aquellos que busquen conectar en un frente profesional, les espera su perfil de LinkedIn.

Nuestro blog y noticias

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Homeschool Curriculum for High School: Explore Legacy Online School Benefits

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Publicación en los medios de comunicación

Exploring Vermont Online Schools: A Guide to Middle and High School Programs

The landscape of education is rapidly evolving, and Vermont is at the forefront of embracing online educational opportunities for middle and high school students. With the rise of K12-powered online schools, students across the state have unprecedented access to personalized learning experiences, innovative curricula, and supportive learning communities. This guide delves into the multifaceted world of online schooling in Vermont, aiming to provide parents and students with comprehensive insights into finding the best online schools and understanding their unique advantages.

How to Find the Best Online Schools in Vermont for Middle and High School Students

What Makes K12-Powered Online Schools Stand Out?

Within the plethora of school options in Vermont, K12-powered online schools uniquely tailor the learning experience to suit individual student needs. These schools leverage advanced technologies and a diverse curriculum to offer a more personalized, one-on-one learning approach. Unlike traditional classroom settings, K12-powered schools in Vermont provide a flexible schedule that allows students to progress through their studies at their own pace, accommodating diverse learning styles and enabling them to explore their interests more deeply.

Evaluating the Personalized Learning Program in Vermont’s Online Schools

The hallmark of K12-powered online schools is their personalized learning programs, which are designed to recognize and nurture each learner’s potential. Through personalized learning, schools in Vermont can address varying educational needs, optimize learning paths, and prepare students more effectively for college and careers. To evaluate these programs, parents and students should look into the school’s ability to tailor content, pacing, and learning methods. Additionally, considering feedback from current students and parents can provide valuable insights into how well the school personalizes education.

How to Compare Online Middle Schools and High Schools in Vermont

Finding a school that fits well with a student’s learning style and educational goals requires careful comparison. When comparing online middle schools and high schools in Vermont, factors to consider include the range of courses offered, particularly in specialty areas like STEM or the arts, availability of college prep and advanced placement courses, and the extent to which the curriculum can be customized to the student’s interests. Additionally, it’s crucial to understand each school’s support system, including access to counselors, learning coaches, and technical support, to ensure a comprehensive learning environment.

Why Choose a K12-Powered Online School in Vermont?

The Benefits of Personalized Learning in K12 Online Schools

The benefits of personalized learning in K12-powered online schools extend beyond academic success. These schools foster an environment where students are seen as unique individuals, with education programs that cater to their personal learning pace, style, and interests. Personalized learning helps students develop self-motivation, discipline, and time management skills—qualities that are invaluable both in and out of the academic world. Furthermore, K12 online schools in Vermont emphasize creating a balanced school experience, where students can thrive academically while also pursuing passions and interests outside the curriculum.

Understanding the Curriculum and Learning Environment

K12-powered online schools boast a comprehensive and diverse curriculum that challenges and engages students. From foundational subjects to specialized courses in career and college prep, the curriculum is designed to provide a broad educational foundation. Moreover, the online learning environment is structured to promote interaction and collaboration between students and teachers. Through discussion boards, live online classes, and group projects, students can participate in a vibrant learning community that extends beyond Vermont’s borders.

Support Services Offered by K12-Powered Online Schools

The support services in K12-powered online schools are tailored to ensure students’ academic and emotional well-being. Learning coaches, counselors, and enrollment consultants play pivotal roles in guiding students through their educational journey. From helping families choose the right program to addressing technological and computer requirements, these professionals are dedicated to making the online school experience seamless and rewarding. K12-powered schools also offer a range of extracurricular activities and clubs, enabling students to explore interests and build friendships in a virtual setting.

Understanding the Enrollment Process for Vermont Online High Schools and Middle Schools

How Enrollment Consultants Can Help You Choose the Right Program

The enrollment process for Vermont online high schools and middle schools is designed to be straightforward, and enrollment consultants play a crucial role in assisting families through this process. These consultants can help clarify program options, discuss the personalized learning approach, and outline the expectations for both students and parents. They also provide invaluable advice on how to prepare for an online education, including technological needs and time management strategies.

Addressing Technological and Computer Requirements

Access to reliable technology is a cornerstone of successful online learning. Vermont online schools have specific technological and computer requirements to ensure that students can fully engage with the curriculum and participate in live sessions without interruption. Generally, families will need to ensure high-speed internet access and a computer or tablet that meets the school’s specifications. Some schools may offer resources or assistance to families to address these needs, underscoring their commitment to making online education accessible to all Vermont students.

The Role of Learning Coaches in Supporting Students

Learning coaches, often parents or guardians, play a crucial role in the online school experience. They work in tandem with teachers to monitor student progress, help establish a daily routine, and provide encouragement and support. The partnership between learning coaches and the school ensures that students remain engaged and motivated, and helps address any challenges swiftly. This collaborative approach is a defining feature of K12-powered online schools, emphasizing the collective effort to achieve educational success.

What Are the Available K12-Powered Online Private School Options in Vermont?

Comparing Public and Private Online School Options in Vermont

In Vermont, the choice between public and private online school options allows families to select a schooling experience that best fits their needs. Public online schools, powered by K12, offer tuition-free education to Vermont residents, focusing on a broad curriculum and high standards of academic achievement. On the other hand, K12-powered online private schools provide additional benefits, such as smaller class sizes, specialized programs, and the freedom to enroll students from any location without geographical restrictions.

Exploring the Advanced and College Prep Programs Offered

For students aiming for higher education or specialized careers, K12-powered online schools in Vermont offer advanced and college prep programs. These programs are meticulously designed to prepare students for college-level work and to assist them in earning college credits while still in high school. The curriculum includes AP courses, dual enrollment options, and college counseling services, ensuring that students have the resources and guidance needed to reach their college and career goals.

How K12-Powered Private Schools Personalize the Learning Experience

K12-powered private schools take personalized learning to the next level, offering customized education plans that are tailored to each student’s strengths, weaknesses, and interests. This approach ensures that learning is relevant and engaging, fostering a deeper connection to the material. Furthermore, these schools provide enhanced student support services, including access to a wider range of extracurricular activities and specialized programs, enriching the school experience and preparing students for success beyond the classroom.

Extracurriculars and Social Opportunities in Vermont’s Online Middle and High Schools

What Extracurricular Activities Are Available in Online Schools?

Extracurricular activities are an integral part of the school experience, even in an online setting. Vermont’s K12-powered online schools offer a variety of clubs and activities designed to cater to a wide range of interests, from robotics and coding to literature and art. These opportunities allow students to explore their passions, develop new skills, and connect with peers who share their interests, all within the supportive environment of the online school community.

The Importance of Social Interaction in an Online Learning Environment

Contrary to common misconceptions, social interaction is a cornerstone of the online learning model. K12-powered schools in Vermont prioritize creating opportunities for students to interact, collaborate, and build relationships with their peers. Through live online classes, school-sponsored events, and extracurricular activities, students can engage in meaningful social experiences that enhance their school journey and contribute to their personal growth.

How Online Schools in Vermont Facilitate In-Person Meetups and Events

In addition to virtual activities, K12-powered online schools in Vermont also organize in-person meetups and events, providing a platform for students to connect face-to-face. These events range from academic competitions and science fairs to social gatherings and field trips, offering a well-rounded educational experience. Participation in such events helps reinforce the community aspect of online learning, allowing students to form lasting friendships and build a strong support network.

In conclusion, Vermont’s K12-powered online schools offer a unique and valuable education platform for middle and high school students. By providing personalized learning experiences, comprehensive curricula, and supportive online communities, these schools empower students to achieve their full potential. Whether through public or private online options, Vermont families have access to a quality education system that prepares students for college, career, and beyond, all from the comfort of their homes.

Q: How can I find a school for Vermont middle schoolers that is powered by K12?
A: To find an online middle school in Vermont powered by K12, you can visit either the official K12 website or the Vermont Department of Education's website. Both platforms provide a searchable database of schools powered by K12, ensuring that Vermont students have access to academic excellence and an engaging curriculum from the comfort of home.
Q: What makes the school curriculum for an online school serving Vermont students unique?
A: The school curriculum for an online school serving Vermont students is designed to encourage students through a personalized approach to learning. With Stride K12, the school curriculum includes interactive lessons, live classes, and group activities. It is self-paced yet challenging, covering core subjects and incorporating electives including honors and options to prepare for college.
Q: Are there online middle schools in Vermont powered by K12 that allow students to earn college credits?
A: Yes, certain online middle schools in Vermont powered by K12 offer a "college in high school" program. This program includes coursework that allows high school students to earn college credits, potentially partnering with institutions like George Washington University and Marian University. Please check with your school to see if such options are available in your area.
Q: How does a learner’s day look in an online school powered by K12 for Vermont students?
A: A learner's day at an online school in Vermont powered by K12 is structured yet flexible, designed to accommodate Vermont work and study balance. Students engage in several hours per day of coursework which is a combination of live classes and self-paced study, participate in online clubs, and have the opportunity for one-on-one instructor interactions. A parent or other responsible adult is encouraged to participate to ensure the learner remains on track.
Q: Can students from online middle schools in Vermont participate in activities beyond their academic coursework?
A: Absolutely, students enrolled in online middle schools in Vermont have the opportunity to participate in online clubs and various group activities. These extracurricular options vary by school but are designed to complement the school curriculum and encourage a well-rounded education from the comfort of home.
Q: What are the technological requirements for a Vermont middle schooler to start distance learning with K12?
A: For a Vermont middle schooler to start distance learning with a school powered by K12, they will need a reliable internet connection and a computer that meets the minimum specifications. Some schools may provide the necessary technology, but please check with your school to address your technological and computer needs and ensure everything is in place for a successful learning experience.
Q: How does the online school curriculum support Vermont students with different learning paces?
A: The online school curriculum for Vermont students supports different learning paces through its personalized approach. The curriculum, designed for both acceleration and additional support where necessary, allows learners to advance through material at a pace that suits them, ensuring that each student achieves academic success. Electives and advanced courses, including programs to earn college credits, provide additional challenges for accelerated learners.
Q: What does a school powered by K12 in Vermont do to ensure student engagement in an online environment?
A: A school in Vermont powered by K12 ensures student engagement in an online environment through an interactive and engaging curriculum. The school employs experienced, certified teachers who lead live classes and interactive lessons, while also offering personalized feedback. Additionally, the integration of group activities and online clubs fosters a sense of community and peer interaction, which is vital for keeping students motivated and engaged in their learning journey.
Q: Is there a cost associated with attending an online middle or high school powered by K12 in Vermont?
A: Many online middle and high schools in Vermont powered by K12 are public charter schools, which means there is no tuition for attending. However, there may be some costs associated with course materials or extracurricular activities. Options and costs can vary by school, so it is important to check directly with the specific school you are interested in for detailed information.

Legacy Online School: Miembro de confianza de Forbes Business Councils

Legacy Online School es un orgulloso miembro de los Consejos de Negocios de Forbes y es reconocida como una institución experta y de confianza. Este respaldo significa un nivel de confianza y prestigio ganado a través de nuestro compromiso con la excelencia.

Presentación de su especialista personal de apoyo al aprendizaje

Orientación y asistencia a su medida
Su Especialista Personal de Apoyo al Aprendizaje (LSS) es más que un simple contacto de apoyo; es su asistente y mentor, siempre dispuesto a responder a cualquier pregunta que pueda tener durante su viaje de aprendizaje. Así es como te ayudan
Comunicación en cualquier mensajero conveniente
Respuestas instantáneas
¿Tiene alguna pregunta sobre una tarea? ¿Necesita aclarar un concepto? Su especialista está a sólo un mensaje de distancia, proporcionando respuestas rápidas y completas para mantenerle en el buen camino.
Orientación personalizada
Tu viaje de aprendizaje es único, y tu especialista lo reconoce. Adaptará su orientación a tu estilo de aprendizaje, intereses y objetivos específicos.
Conexión con los padres
Creemos que la colaboración entre alumnos, padres y educadores es crucial. Su especialista se asegura de que los padres estén informados de sus progresos y puedan abordar cualquier preocupación que puedan tener.

Más información sobre nosotros en instagram

Capturamos muchos momentos felices de la vida de nuestra escuela y de nuestros alumnos y los dejamos en nuestra cuenta de Instagram
Legacy Online School sirve a una comunidad global diversa proporcionando una experiencia educativa rica y rigurosa con una serie de servicios amigables, eventos brillantes y apoyo integral. Siguiendo el enlace y mirando a través de estas fotos, podrás ver historias de primera mano sobre el impacto transformador de Legacy Online School en el viaje de aprendizaje y el crecimiento personal de nuestros estudiantes.
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