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Homeschool Curriculum for High School: Explore Legacy Online School Benefits

The content of the publication1 Legacy High School Curriculum Overview2 Essential Core Subjects2.1 English Language Arts2.2 Mathematics2.3 Science2.4 Social Studies3 Enrichment Courses: Arts and Languages3.1 […]

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Currículo de la educación en casa para la dislexia: Recursos eficaces para un aprendizaje a medida

The content of the publication1 Research Based Curriculum for Dyslexia<http://234123h2>2 Teaching Reading and Writing to Dyslexic Students<http://234123h2>3 Developing Essential Skills for Dyslexic Learners<http://234123h2>3.1 Integrating Assistive […]

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Unschooling en los Estados Unidos: Guía de la educación alternativa

The content of the publication1 Unschooling in the US: A Brief Overview2 Distinguishing Unschooling from Traditional Education2.1 Flexibility in Learning Environment3 State-wide Unschooling Regulation Overview4 […]

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El mejor plan de estudios de matemáticas en línea para la educación y la enseñanza en casa

The content of the publication1 Selecting the Right Online Math Curriculum2 Flexibility and Customization3 Online Math Curriculum Features3.1 Interactive Lessons3.2 Adaptive Learning3.3 Progress Tracking4 Reviews […]

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Requisitos estatales para la educación en casa: Todo lo que necesita saber

The content of the publication1 State-specific Homeschool Regulations2 Legal Compulsory Education Laws3 Grade Level and Academic Subjects3.1 Understanding Different Grade Levels3.2 Tailoring Curriculum to Meet […]

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Aprendizaje virtual para la primera infancia: K12 Preschool Legacy Online School

The content of the publication1 Overview of K12 Preschool Legacy Online School1.1 Elements of the Curriculum2 Personalized Curriculum for Early Learners3 Interactive Features and Innovative […]

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Plan de estudios de ciencias en línea en Legacy Online School

The content of the publication1 Science Curriculum at Legacy Online School1.1 Comprehensive Coverage1.2 Alignment with National Standards1.3 Foster Critical Thinking2 Exploring Online Science Program2.1 Engaging […]

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Plan de estudios para el jardín de infancia: Actividades educativas y planes de lecciones

The content of the publication1 Overview of Kindergarten Curriculums2 Core Subjects & Pedagogical Approaches2.1 Balanced Literacy2.2 Inquiry-Based Learning2.3 Social-Emotional Learning3 Math and Language Arts3.1 Early […]

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