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Legado da escola online K-12 acreditada em Nevada

- Escola primária, média e secundária no Nevada
- Ensino em direto em pequenos grupos de alunos
- Diploma certificado pelos EUA após a graduação
- Currículo acreditado pelo Estado
- Professores certificados
- Especialista em apoio académico pessoal
Experimente um dia de educação GRATUITAMENTE!
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sobre a nossa escola

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Recognized by prestigious media, we highlight our commitment to educational excellence.
Escola acreditada K-12 no Nevada
A Legacy Online School K-12 no Nevada proporciona um ambiente de aprendizagem flexível e acessível, com um currículo FLVS acreditado e certificação WASC.
Professores certificados
Asseguramos que todos os nossos instrutores são professores certificados que adaptam os seus materiais para satisfazer as necessidades, interesses e capacidades individuais dos alunos.
Diploma certificado pelos EUA
Após o cumprimento dos requisitos de graduação padrão, os alunos receberão Diplomas Certificados dos EUA.
Programas educativos diversificados
Existem 2 tipos de estilos de aprendizagem, incluindo o grupo e o ritmo próprio. A escola oferece cursos académicos, extracurriculares e de formação.

Os nossos programas

Escola primária K-12 no Nevada (K-V)
Ensino Secundário K-12 no Nevada (VI-VIII)
Ensino Secundário K-12 no Nevada (IX-XII)
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Cursos de Colocação Avançada
O caminho para um desempenho académico excecional começa com escolhas informadas, e os cursos de Colocação Avançada (AP) representam um excelente ponto de partida. Na Legacy Online School K-12 em Nevada, temos o orgulho de fornecer uma seleção diversificada de cursos AP meticulosamente projetados para oferecer ao seu filho uma experiência acadêmica rigorosa e de nível universitário durante os anos do ensino médio em Nevada.

Os cursos de Advanced Placement (AP) são ofertas de nível colegial concebidas para alunos do ensino secundário. Estes cursos são desenvolvidos e administrados pelo College Board, a mesma organização responsável pela supervisão do SAT.
Currículo centrado nas STEM
Nunca é demais enfatizar a importância da Ciência, Tecnologia, Engenharia e Matemática (STEM) na formação do futuro. No Legacy, desenvolvemos meticulosamente um currículo robusto orientado para STEM que se alinha perfeitamente com os padrões de acreditação do estado, garantindo que seus filhos recebam uma experiência educacional incomparável e pronta para o futuro.

Os nossos cursos STEM são cuidadosamente concebidos para cativar e desafiar os alunos, infundindo entusiasmo e eficácia no processo de aprendizagem. Quer se trate de explorar fenómenos científicos ou de decifrar os meandros da tecnologia, o nosso currículo foi concebido para transformar as salas de aula em centros vibrantes de inovação e descoberta.
Clubes virtuais e actividades extracurriculares
Na Legacy Online School K-12 em Nevada, acreditamos firmemente que alcançar uma educação completa vai além dos limites de um currículo tradicional. É por isso que temos muito orgulho em oferecer uma gama diversificada de Clubes e Organizações Virtuais, gratuitamente para todos os nossos alunos actuais.

Os nossos Clubes e Organizações Virtuais servem de plataforma inspiradora para os alunos se aprofundarem em novos interesses, aperfeiçoarem as suas competências e despertarem as suas paixões. Quer o seu filho aspire a ser um cientista, seja um artista entusiasta, um autor em ascensão ou sonhe em tornar-se um futuro líder mundial, as nossas ofertas extracurriculares fomentam um ambiente que estimula os seus talentos e capacidades.
Experimente um dia de educação GRATUITAMENTE!
Oportunidade de teste exclusiva - Termina esta semana!
Na Legacy Online School, entendemos que escolher o melhor caminho educacional para seu filho é uma decisão importante. Para o ajudar a experimentar as nossas ofertas de classe mundial em primeira mão, temos o prazer de lhe oferecer uma oferta única: um dia de educação GRATUITO!
Adira já!
Descubra a nossa diferença sem compromisso: Aprendizagem em grupo ou aprendizagem autónoma, pode experimentá-la connosco durante um dia inteiro! Inscreva-se já!

Sobre a Legacy Online School K-12 em Nevada

A Legacy Online School K-12 no Nevada proporciona um ambiente de aprendizagem flexível e acessível com um currículo FLVS acreditado e WASC
Acessibilidade e suporte inigualável
Oferecemos diferentes opções e prazos de pagamento com descontos valiosos
Programas educativos diversificados
Existem 3 tipos de estilos de aprendizagem, como o grupo e o ritmo próprio. A escola oferece cursos académicos, extracurriculares e de formação
Preparação para a carreira, orientação universitária
No Legacy, priorizamos a preparação dos alunos para o sucesso na faculdade e carreiras relacionadas a STEM Ьу colaborando com o College Board
Diploma certificado pelos EUA
Após o cumprimento dos requisitos de graduação padrão, os alunos receberão Diplomas Certificados dos EUA
Professores certificados
Asseguramos que todos os nossos instrutores são professores certificados que adaptam os seus materiais às necessidades, interesses e capacidades individuais dos alunos
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Acreditação escolar na Legacy Online School K-12 em Nevada

Acreditação WASC
A Legacy Online School é acreditado pela Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), uma distinção que sublinha o nosso compromisso com elevados padrões de excelência na educação.
Acreditação da NCAA
A nossa acreditação da National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) significa o nosso empenho em preparar os estudantes-atletas para o sucesso dentro e fora do campo. A aprovação da NCAA garante que os nossos cursos cumprem os rigorosos padrões de aprendizagem exigidos para que os estudantes-atletas sejam elegíveis para participar em actividades desportivas de faculdades públicas em faculdades membros da NCAA
Currículo acreditado pelo Estado
Na Legacy Online School K-12 em Nevada, nosso currículo é credenciado pelo estado, garantindo que ele atenda e muitas vezes exceda os padrões estabelecidos pelas autoridades educacionais. O nosso currículo acreditado pelo estado oferece uma vasta gama de cursos que envolvem os alunos, promovem o pensamento crítico e proporcionam oportunidades para a aplicação do conhecimento no mundo real. Os nossos alunos beneficiam de um ensino completo que combina disciplinas académicas essenciais com várias disciplinas opcionais

Peter Crawford Valentino: O visionário por detrás da escola em linha Legacy K-12 no Nevada

Abrace o mundo de Peter Crawford Valentino, o visionário por detrás da Legacy Online School, e deixe-se inspirar por um legado que entrelaça arte, paixão e educação.
No movimentado coração da Flórida, com base numa rica linhagem de cinco gerações de educadores e impulsionado pela sua vasta experiência no ensino, Peter Crawford Valentino tomou uma decisão monumental: fundar a K12 Legacy Online School. Um farol da educação, esta instituição é um testemunho do compromisso de Peter com o conhecimento e da sua crença no poder transformador da aprendizagem.
Peter é um homem de muitos talentos - um ator de sucesso, escritor, realizador, produtor, músico e, sobretudo, um professor. O seu vasto e variado percurso, que se estende das vibrantes ruas de Los Angeles ao icónico horizonte de Nova Iorque e às luzes cintilantes de Las Vegas, é uma história de busca criativa, paixão, dedicação e compromisso inabalável com as artes.

Desde os seus primeiros dias como vocalista e guitarrista, cativando o público em locais locais de Los Angeles, até à sua digressão de concertos para o exército dos EUA que o levou através do Médio Oriente e da Europa, a viagem musical de Peter foi um espetáculo a contemplar, valendo-lhe uma participação especial na MTV. O seu amor pelas melodias integra-se perfeitamente nos seus filmes, criando bandas sonoras que são simultaneamente encantadoras e inesquecíveis.

A atração pelo teatro foi outra vocação a que Peter não conseguiu resistir. Diversos papéis em peças de teatro, comédia de improviso ao vivo, televisão e cinema apenas aprofundaram o seu amor pelas artes do espetáculo. Este amor levou-o a Nova Iorque, onde aperfeiçoou as suas capacidades como ator de improvisação e, mais tarde, a Las Vegas, onde fundou o Neon Venus Art Theatre e, posteriormente, o seu teatro irmão no distrito de Hollywood.

Filmes e projectos dignos de nota como "Bobby and Tiffany", "Davidson and Bradley", "Dead Dreamers", "Detetive Charles Hanover", "The Falcon", "Ivan's Angels" e "Golden Blood", para citar alguns, embelezam o seu portfólio. Explore o seu percurso detalhado e a sua lista de realizações no IMDb e, para aqueles que pretendem estabelecer contactos profissionais, o seu perfil no LinkedIn está à sua espera.

O nosso blogue e notícias

Para o blogue
Homeschool Curriculum for High School: Explore Legacy Online School Benefits

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Currículo do ensino doméstico para a dislexia: Recursos eficazes para uma aprendizagem à medida

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Publicação nos meios de comunicação social

Explore K12 Online Schools in Nevada: Choose the Best School for Your Child

Choosing the right school is a pivotal decision for parents and students alike, particularly in the dynamic educational landscape of Nevada. With the advent of online schooling, options have broadened, allowing for a tailored educational experience. K12-powered schools in Nevada offer a unique blend of personalized learning and academic excellence, making them an attractive option for many families. This article delves into the various aspects of K12 online schools in Nevada, unraveling how they stand out, the enrollment process, comparison with traditional schooling options, and their undeniable benefits.

What Makes K12-Powered Online Schools in Nevada Stand Out?

Distinguishing Features of K12-Powered Online Private Schools

K12-powered online private schools are set apart by their tailored educational approach. Every student in Nevada has unique learning needs, and these schools meet these needs through personalized learning programs. Unlike traditional in-person settings, K12-powered schools utilize an online curriculum designed to challenge and engage students, supported by certified teachers. An interactive online learning experience ensures that even though the student is learning from home, they’re not isolated. They’re part of a statewide community of learners, facilitated by cutting-edge technology.

Academic Excellence and Personalized Learning Programs

Academic excellence is the cornerstone of K12-powered online schools. These institutions are accredited, proving their commitment to high-quality education. Personalized learning programs are another hallmark of K12-powered schools, enabling a flexible learning environment that caters to individual student needs. From essential coursework to advanced electives, every element of the learning experience is tailored to enhance the learner’s strengths and address their weaknesses. Moreover, the inclusion of learning coaches helps students navigate their academic journey effectively, providing an added layer of support.

Overview of Nevada Virtual Academy and Other K12-Powered Institutions

Nevada Virtual Academy stands out among online schools in Nevada powered by the K12 curriculum. It offers a robust academic program that ranges from kindergarten through high school. The academy’s commitment to delivering a high-quality learning experience is evident through its rigorous, interactive online instruction tailored to fulfill the Nevada education standards. Other K12-powered online private schools across the county school district share similar commitments to excellence, providing a variety of school options based on the learner’s zip code, ensuring that every student can find a program that fits.

How to Enroll Your Child in an Online School in Nevada

Understanding the Enrollment Process for Nevada Online Schools

The enrollment process for online schools in Nevada is designed to be straightforward yet thorough. Parents and students begin by identifying the school that best meets their educational needs. After selecting a school, the next steps involve understanding the specific enrollment requirements, which may vary slightly from one institution to another. Most schools require an overview of the student’s academic history to create a personalized learning program right from the start.

Navigating the Requirements for Online Learning Enrollment

Requirements for enrolling in a Nevada online school include a reliable internet connection and a suitable learning environment at home. Potential students must also meet any grade-specific criteria, which can include previous academic records and standardized test scores. Certain schools may also require an enrollment interview to better understand the student’s educational needs and how well the school can meet them. This step ensures a good fit between the student and the school, laying the groundwork for success.

Meeting Deadlines and Gathering Necessary Documents

To enroll in online schools in Nevada, timely submission of necessary documents is crucial. These can include birth certificates, immunization records, and previous school records, including report cards. Each school has a specific enrollment period, and meeting these deadlines is vital to secure a place. Prospective students and parents should therefore begin gathering these documents well in advance of the enrollment window to ensure a smooth admissions process.

Comparing Online Private Schools and Charter Schools in Nevada

Key Distinctions Between Online Private and Charter Schools

The choice between online private schools and charter schools in Nevada often comes down to individual educational needs and preferences. Online private schools, while tuition-based, offer a more controlled environment with specialized programs that might cater more directly to a student’s learning style. Charter schools, on the other hand, are publicly funded and free to attend but might have more limited online options. These schools are also bound by county and state education standards, which can be both an advantage and a limitation depending on the student’s needs.

Evaluating Tuition and Funding Models for Online Education

When choosing between different types of schools, tuition and funding models are important considerations. Online private schools typically require a tuition fee, which covers access to the specialized curriculum, technology tools, and support services. Charter schools, while free for residents, may have fewer resources dedicated to their online programs. However, both types of schools strive to provide high levels of education and prepare students for future success. Understanding each model’s benefits and limitations is crucial in making an informed decision.

Examining the Curriculum and Accreditation of Different School Types

The curriculum and accreditation status are vital factors in choosing an online school in Nevada. Accreditation ensures that the school meets certain standards and that a student’s education will be recognized for college admissions and future employment. K12-powered schools are accredited and offer a comprehensive curriculum that includes core subjects, electives, and advanced placement courses for high school students. This ensures a well-rounded education that can be tailored to the individual’s academic and career goals.

The Benefits of K12-Powered Online High Schools for Every Student

Promoting Academic Excellence Through Personalized Learning

K12-powered online high schools are dedicated to fulfilling every student’s potential through personalized learning experiences. This approach not only meets students where they are but also challenges them to advance beyond traditional expectations. With a learning program uniquely tailored to each student, combined with access to a wide array of resources and support, students are positioned to excel academically and personally.

Flexibility and Accessibility: Making Education Work for Nevada Students

The flexibility and accessibility of K12-powered online high schools are among their most appealing attributes. Students can access their coursework from anywhere with an internet connection, making it ideal for families who travel, pursue athletics or arts, or simply desire a different learning environment. This model also supports those who need a flexible schedule due to health concerns or other personal reasons, ensuring education remains uninterrupted.

How K12 Online High Schools Prepare Students for the Future

K12 online high schools prepare students for the future by fostering necessary skills such as self-discipline, time management, and adaptability. The curriculum, designed for real-world relevance, equips students with knowledge and skills applicable in college, careers, and beyond. Furthermore, the emphasis on personalized learning ensures that students not only achieve academic success but also develop a lifelong love for learning, setting the foundation for continuous growth and achievement in an ever-changing world.

Need More Info on Online Schools in Nevada? Answering Your Questions

Demystifying Common Concerns About Online Learning and Enrollment

It’s common for parents and students to have questions about online learning, especially regarding its effectiveness and the enrollment process. Online schools in Nevada, powered by K12, offer robust support systems to address these concerns, ensuring families are well-informed and comfortable with their decisions. The goal is to demystify online education, highlighting its benefits and the opportunities it offers for personal and academic growth.

Exploring Support Services and Resources for Students and Parents

Support services and resources are abundant in K12-powered schools, including Nevada Virtual Academy. Students and parents have access to counselors, technical support, and various academic resources. Additionally, extracurricular activities and clubs provide a sense of community and belonging, enhancing the online learning experience.

Contacting Nevada Virtual Academy and Other K12-Powered Schools for More Details

For families interested in exploring online schooling options in Nevada, reaching out to institutions like Nevada Virtual Academy is an excellent first step. These schools offer comprehensive information sessions, virtual tours, and one-on-one consultations to help families make informed decisions. By contacting these institutions directly, parents and students can get specific details related to curriculum, enrollment, and the unique benefits of K12-powered online education.

Q: What are K12-powered Nevada virtual schools and how do they work?
A: K12-powered Nevada virtual schools offer K-12 education through a blend of live online classes and offline assignments, providing a full-time public school experience from home or any location with an internet connection. These schools are powered by K12's curriculum and operate under the highest standards of educational management, with courses taught by Nevada-licensed teachers. They are designed to meet the needs of diverse learners and give students the flexibility to learn at their own pace while maintaining the structure of a traditional school day.
Q: Can students earn a high school diploma through a K12-powered private school in Nevada?
A: Yes, students enrolled in K12-powered private schools in Nevada can earn a high school diploma upon completing the necessary coursework and meeting all graduation requirements. These are advanced accredited schools, ensuring that the diploma students receive is recognized by colleges and universities.
Q: How many hours per day can learning coaches expect to spend on a K12-powered program?
A: The amount of time learning coaches can expect to spend on a K12-powered program varies based on the student's grade level. For younger students, learning coaches may need to be more hands-on, spending several hours per day guiding progress and tailoring the learning experience. High schoolers, especially those enrolled in a high school program offering honors and AP® courses, may require less direct supervision as they become more independent in managing their schedules and coursework.
Q: What kind of technical and academic support do K12-powered virtual schools in Nevada offer?
A: K12-powered virtual schools in Nevada offer comprehensive technical and academic support. Technical support includes assistance with the online learning platform, software issues, and access to necessary digital tools. Academic support is provided by Nevada-licensed teachers who guide progress and tailor learning experiences to each student’s needs. There are also resources available for learning coaches to better support their students' educational journeys.
Q: Are there any tuition-based online options available for students outside the public school system?
A: Yes, there are tuition-based online options available through K12-powered private schools for students who are looking for an alternative to the public school system. These private schools offer a variety of programs designed to meet the needs of diverse learners, including advanced courses, special education, and a range of electives. Tuition rates vary depending on the program and level of support required.
Q: How do K12-powered Nevada virtual schools meet the needs of students with different learning styles?
A: K12-powered Nevada virtual schools are designed to meet the needs of students with different learning styles through personalized learning plans, a variety of instructional methods, including live online classes and self-paced offline activities, and the provision of specialized resources. Teachers work closely with students and learning coaches to guide progress and tailor instruction to ensure each student's success.
Q: What accreditation do K12-powered Nevada virtual schools have?
A: K12-powered Nevada virtual schools are accredited by a variety of respected accreditation bodies, ensuring they meet rigorous educational standards. This accreditation guarantees that the curriculum is comprehensive, the teachers are well-qualified, and the diploma earned is recognized by colleges, universities, and employers.
Q: Can students in K12-powered Nevada virtual schools participate in extracurricular activities?
A: Yes, students in K12-powered Nevada virtual schools can participate in a range of extracurricular activities. These may include virtual clubs, interest-based groups, and online special events. Some programs may also offer opportunities for local meetups or participation in events, ensuring students have a well-rounded educational experience.

Escola Online Legado: Um membro de confiança do Forbes Business Councils

A Legacy Online School é um membro orgulhoso do Forbes Business Councils e é reconhecida como uma instituição especializada e de confiança. Este endosso significa um nível de confiança e prestígio conquistado através do nosso compromisso com a excelência.

Apresentando o seu especialista pessoal de apoio à aprendizagem

Orientação e assistência, adaptadas a si
O seu especialista pessoal de apoio à aprendizagem (LSS) é mais do que um simples contacto de apoio; é o seu assistente e mentor, sempre pronto a responder a quaisquer questões que possa ter durante o seu percurso de aprendizagem. Eis como o apoiam
Comunicação em qualquer mensageiro conveniente
Respostas instantâneas
Tem uma pergunta sobre um trabalho? Precisa de esclarecimentos sobre um conceito? O seu especialista está apenas a uma mensagem de distância, fornecendo respostas rápidas e completas para o manter no caminho certo.
Orientação personalizada
O seu percurso de aprendizagem é único e o seu especialista reconhece-o. Ele adaptará a sua orientação ao seu estilo de aprendizagem, interesses e objectivos específicos.
Ligação com os pais
Acreditamos que a colaboração entre alunos, pais e educadores é crucial. O seu especialista garante que os pais são mantidos informados sobre o seu progresso e podem abordar quaisquer preocupações que possam ter.

Mais informações sobre nós no instagram

Registámos muitos momentos felizes da vida da nossa escola e dos nossos alunos e deixámo-los na nossa conta do Instagram
A Legacy Online School serve uma comunidade global diversificada, proporcionando uma experiência educativa rica e rigorosa, com uma série de serviços amigáveis, eventos brilhantes e apoio total. Ao seguir a hiperligação e ver estas fotografias, verá histórias em primeira mão sobre o impacto transformador da Legacy Online School no percurso de aprendizagem e no crescimento pessoal dos nossos alunos
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